Online Cribbage With Friends

Play the App Store's top rated cribbage online with your friends or anyone in the world. With fluid action, this game is intuitive and easy to play for both novice and experienced players. New to Cribbage? Cribbage Premium helps you every step of the way. Use hints to develop your skills and strategy.

Online Cribbage With Friends
  1. Tournament software to run your own small or large Cribbage Tournaments. It allows online as well as offline tournament or even a mix. It is fully featured with sign up and reported and notifications and mobile enabled.
  2. Cribbage Craze for iOS does online multiplayer or Bluetooth. Yahoo Games used to have a good cribbage applet. I haven't been in years, but I remember it was really simple and well-done.

Best Online Cribbage With Friends

Traditional Cribbage is a card game that has been around since the 17th Century. It involves creating hands composed of pairs, runs, flushes, and sums to 15. Here at, you can play 2 player, 3 player, and 4 player games. You can also play teams, muggins, and jokers.

What features make the best?

How to play (2 player):

The players cut to see who gets the first 'crib'. Players are dealt 6 cards each, and both have to discard 2 cards into the crib. Then a community card is cut that will play for both hands in the show. If a jack is cut for the cut card, the player with the crib immediately gets 2 points. (This is called His Nobs). Now on to the play:

The play

Online Cribbage With Friends Free

Players take turns playing (pegging) their cards one at a time and announcing the total sum of the cards. Face cards count for 10. If the sum is equal to 15 or 31, that player gets 2 points. If the player forms a pair, they get 2 points. A triple pair is worth 6 points, and a quadruple pair is worth 12 points. If either player forms a run of 3 or more, they get to claim that many points as well. Runs do not necessarily have to be played in order. For example if 4,7,5,6 was played, whoever laid the 6 would get to claim a run for 4 points.

You are not allowed to play a card to make a sum over 31, so if you play to 28 and your opponent only has cards of over 3, they will say GO and you will continue to play as many cards as you can up to 31. You also claim one point for playing the last card of every trick. Whoever played the last card in the trick, their opponent starts the next trick. When all cards have been played, you move on to the show.

The show

The show is where you count all the hands up. The player that does not have the crib counts first, then the player with the crib counts their hand, and then finally the crib is counted. Scores count for the following:

  • 2 points for every pair
  • 3 points for every run of 3.
  • 4 points for every run of 4.
  • 5 points for a run of 5.
  • 2 points for each sum to 15.
  • Free online cribbage games with friends
  • 4 points for a flush
  • 1 additional point for a 5 card flush.
  • 1 point for 'His Heels', if you have a jack and the suit matches the cut card.

  • How to play (3 player):

    Online Cribbage With Friends

    3 player crib is very similar to 2 player crib except players are dealt 5 cards each instead of 6. They only throw one card each to the crib, and one card is taken off the top of the deck and placed in the crib.

    Cribbage With Friends App also provides the variant where the dealer (the player with the crib) can deal themself 6 cards, and the rest of the players 5. The dealer throws 2 cards to their crib, and the rest of the players throw 1 card to the crib.

    Yahoo Cribbage

    How to play (4 player):

    Online Cribbage Tournament With Friends

    4 player crib is very similar to 2 player crib except players are dealt 5 cards each instead of 6. Every player throws one card to the crib. The play goes clockwise through all players. There is also a 2 vs 2, team cribbage game that is described on the team cribbage page.

    Cribbage Tournaments Online

    Try to keep the useful cards to yourself and avoid giving your opponent the upper hand! In this 2-player game, a deck of standard playing cards will be used. At the start of each round, the dealer will deal 6 cards to each player, and each player needs to discard 2 cards to the crib. A card from the remaining stock will then be dealt and displayed at the bottom right corner of the screen, and this card is the 'starter'. If the starter is a J, the dealer will be awarded 2 points. Cards in the crib and the starter will be reserved for later use.
    When the round begins, the player who is not the dealer can start by playing a card from his hand. Then the dealer can also play a card from his hand and the round continues. Each card played carries a certain amount of points, A has 1 point, 2 has 2 points, and so on, while each J, Q and K carries 10 points. The current count of points will be displayed on the left of the screen. The total point from the cards played must not exceed 31. If a player cannot play any cards, he needs to say 'go' and the other player can play cards from his hand until he cannot do so. If the total point is exactly 31, the player who played the last card will get 2 points, otherwise he will receive 1 point. The count is then reset to 0 and the player who did not played the last card can start to play a card. Then the round continues until both players have run out of cards. During the round, you can also score points according to the following ways: 1) when the total point is exactly 15, the player who played the card will receive 2 points; 2) when at least 3 newly played cards form a run of consecutive ranks, the player can receive points equal to the length of the run, for example, the player can get 3 points for completing a run of three; and 3) when 2, 3 or 4 newly played cards are of the same rank, the player can receive 2, 6 and 12 points respectively.
    When both players have run out of cards, an additional scoring phase begins. For the player who is not the dealer, the score is based on the patterns formed by the 4 cards he held and the starter card. If the cards can form the patterns in points 1 to 3 as listed above, the player will receive the same points as listed. If the 4 cards in the player's hand are of the same suit, 4 points will be awarded. If the cards in the player's hand and the starter card are all of the same suit, the player will receive 5 points. If the player held the J of the same suit as the suit of the starter card, 1 point will be awarded. The same scoring applies to the dealer, and the cards in the crib plus the starter card will be scored by the dealer as an additional hand. After the scoring phase, the player who was not the dealer will take over the position, and the next round begins. When a player has accumulated 121 points, the game is won.
    This game was suggested by vic.