Meaning Of 888 In The Bible

Many people are aware that the number of the beast or the anti-Christ is 666. This number is found in the Holy Bible, Revelation 13:18. But what is the number of Jesus? The Bible does not explicitly or implicitly give His number. However, through the science of numerology it can be discovered.

The angel number 888 meaning in the Bible is that Jesus was the only one under the heavens given among human beings through which they could be saved. According to the Greeks from ancient times, the total number of letters found in the name Jesus in their Greek language comes to 888.

In Christian numerology, the number 888 represents Jesus, or sometimes more specifically Christ the Redeemer. This representation may be justified either through gematria, by counting the letter values of the Greek transliteration of Jesus' name, or as an opposing value to 666, the number of the beast.

What is gematria?

You have seen what 888 number of angels can represent, and how to understand the symbolism of this number, and now it is time to learn something about the significance of this number in the Bible. What Is The Biblical Meaning of Number 888? It is already known that most of the characters and numbers in the Bible have many meanings. Bible verses about 888. John 10:1-42 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way, that man is a thief and a robber. Now when you know the biblical meaning of number 8, it is not hard to conclude what the biblical meaning of number 888 is. First we have to say that number 888 is considered to be a number of Jesus. Actually, number 888 represents the numerical value for the Jesus’ name in Greek (Iesous). The spiritual meaning of number 4 is creation. The north, south, east and west are the 4 seasons, all meaning creation. The number of man is 6 as man was created on the 6th day and man labors 6 days only. Few References of Numbers in the Bible. As you can see, there are many numbers mentioned in the Bible.

Gematria is the practice of assigning numbers to letters to reveal deeper meanings behind words and phrases. Gematria is an art that has been practiced in many cultures and played a quintessential role in helping one understand the hidden meanings of ancient spiritual texts. The Holy Bible is a book rich in numerology, sacred geometry, allegory, symbolism, morality, psychology, philosophy and astrology – but in order to truly grasp the gems that lay hidden between the lines, one would need to read it using gematria. The Bible has been studied using germatria for decades, and other important names have been analyzed as well.

Some things in Scripture are specifically described as mysteries. In various places in the New Testament we find such statements as “He that has ears let him hear,” or “Let him that reads understand” or “Behold, I show you a mystery.” Revelation 13:18 begins with the words ‘This is wisdom.’ Such phrases indicate something hidden, which we must search out by prayerful study and commitment to the Holy Spirit. This is why many have turned to gematria to understand the Bible on a deeper level, and attempt to uncover some of these mysteries.


How is the number of Jesus calculated?

Using the Greek Ionic Ciphered Numeral System, it can be scientifically proven that Jesus’ number is 888. In this system, each letter of the Greek alphabet is assigned a numerical value. The name of Jesus in Greek is spelled: iota, eta, sigma, omicron, upsilon, sigma. Next, you substitute in the Greek numeral system for the equivalent numerical values to each letter in the name of Jesus. Upon adding all of those up, the total is 888. The values of each letter are: iota, 10; eta, 8; sigma, 200; omicron, 70; upsilon, 400; sigma, 200. The sum of 10 + 8 + 200 + 70 + 400 + 200 is 888.

What is the significance of the number eight in the Bible?

The Bible never uses 888 directly, but the number has a great significance in biblical numerology. In the Bible, the number 8 is a number of new beginnings. For example, David was the eighth son of Jesse. Jesus is the 'Root and Offspring of David' (Revelations 22:16).

Christ, rising from the dead on Sunday initiated a new creation. Matthew 28:1 says 'After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.' Jesus rose again on the Sabbath, and began a new world that is celebrated on the first day of the week. Jesus is the 'author and finisher of the faith' (Hebrews 12:2), or the starter of new beginnings.

On the 8th day of the universes creation, God said “let the Church begin, and it began.” The light shone in the darkness and the darkness has not been able to quench it.

At a glance 8 looks like an upright infinity sign. The dictionary defines infinity as boundlessness, limitlessness, and endlessness. These are the characteristics of God. In the Bible, God is revealed by his Holy Trinity; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The Number 888 is a symmetrical number, meaning it can be reflected, inverted, and have its digits permuted with no change in its appearance. This coheres with God's use of this number when He declared He eternal unchanging nature, saying 'I am the Lord, I change not' (Malachi 3.6). Indeed, 'Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever' (Heb. 13.8).

Some have taken this a step further, and applied it to modern day. For example, Eternity in heaven is a free gift for those who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. In the USA now, phone calls with an 888 area code are also free. Romans 10:13 reminds us 'everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.' While this could just be a coincidence, it's interesting to see how this science can be applied even in today's society.

When God created the name of Jesus Christ, He wanted to pass along a message to us. He wanted us to understand the monumental importance of who Christ was on earth, and how we are called to follow Him. Through numerology, we are better able to understand how God has woven mathematical truths into His divine creations.

Megan Bailey is the Social Media Specialist and Content Producer for Beliefnet. She attended James Madison University where she received a degree in psychology.
Our research into the meaning of certain numbers in the Bible sometimes turns up fascinating facts that are insufficient for a single dedicated article. This article presents our findings on 47, 48, 65 and 390.

The Number 47

Rachel, Jacob's beloved wife, is mentioned 47 times in the Bible, the second most of any woman. The word 'Israel' appears in 47 Biblical books or 71.2% of all books in Scripture.

The book of 2Thessalonians, written by the Apostle Paul in 51 A.D., has 47 verses. The book of Nahum, written by the minor prophet in 711 B.C., has only 3 chapters and 47 verses.

The Number 48

In the King James Bible the word 'milk' is used 48 total times.

The tribe of Levi, because they were dedicated to serving God, did not receive an inheritance of farmable land in Canaan (Num. 18:20, Deuteronomy 18:1 - 2). The Eternal, using the tithes and offerings Israelites gave, was to be their primary means of support. They did receive, however, 48 cities in which they could live, six of which were to be designated as cities of refuge (Num. 35:7, Joshua 20, 21:41).

Meaning Of 888 In The BibleThe

In 48 A.D., both the Apostle Paul and Barnabas reside in the city of Syrian Antioch. They began their stay in the city in 46 after completing their first missionary journey. Unfortunately, this will be their only evangelistic campaign taken together. They will separate over the issue of John Mark before Paul's second journey starts in late autumn of 49 A.D.

Ezra mentions Jerusalem a total of 48 times in his Biblical book.

Jonah chapter four is one of the shortest chapters in the Bible with 48 verses and 1,321 words. Ezekiel is the third largest book in Scripture in terms of words. His prophetic book, written between 597 and 570 B.C., has 48 chapters, 1,273 verses and 39,407 words.

The Number 65

The Apostle Paul is preaching the gospel either in Spain and Britian in 65 A.D.

Mahalealel, the great, great grandson of Adam, and Enoch, representing the seventh generation of patriarchs, were both 65 years old when they had their first son (Genesis 5:15, 21).

What Is The Meaning Of 888 In The Bible

Sixty-five (65) is also associated with the Israelite tribe of Ephraim. This relationship is due to Isaiah the prophet’s words that stated, 'Within threescore and five years shall Ephraim be broken . . .' (Isaiah 7:8).

The Number 390

888 In The Bible

In Scripture, the number 390 symbolizes a separated and punished Israel (Ezekiel 4:5). This is because Ezekiel was commanded to lay on his left side 390 days to represent the sins of the people and the length of their punishment in years (Ezekiel 4:1 - 5).