Drinking Card Games For Two

Drinking games for two people are definitely a way to additionally spice the things up in your relationship and have a lot of fun. The best thing is that they do not have a lot of requirements: a deck of cards and your favourite alcoholic beverage.

Top 7 Fun Card Drinking Games for Two People

Simple and entertaining, these are fun to play with your partner, especially if you are in the beginning of the relationship and desire to know each other better. These card drinking games can turn an ordinary night into an extraordinary night. Most of these games do not require a lot of planning, counting or plotting. Besides the risk of headache, drinking games for just two people represent no threat for your relationship, so how about we explore them:

You can take many games and turn them into a drinking game just by adding alcohol into the equation. Board games and card games often make the perfect drinking games. Play some of the drinking games mentioned above, or try and see what other games you can turn into drinking games for two people. Want more games? Check out our 21 texting games. Card drinking game for 2 - “Blowing Cards” Blown Cards is one of the more popular card drinking games, which can also be played well by two. It’s extremely fun and easy to play. To play you need a card deck, alcohol, a glass, and a table.


Higher/Lower is the simplest game you can play with your partner with only a deck of cards and alcohol as requirements. One of you is the dealer, who starts the game by turning over the card on the top of the deck. Then, the second player guesses if the next card from the deck will be higher or lower than the previously turned over card. If the second player is wrong, he/she drinks, but if he/she is right, the dealer drinks. It doesn’t get any simpler than it is.

Get Drunk And “Go Fish”

As most drinking games for just two people are modifications from original games, the popular Go Fish has been adjusted so that two people can get really drunk. The game is played like normal and whenever you or your opponent gets a pair, you take a drink. If you don’t have a pair when your opponent asks you, you also take a drink. But when you get what you needed, your opponent drinks. This means that when you ask your opponent for a pair and they have it is the only time you don’t drink. The game ends when you are out of cards and the loser has to take as many shots as the winner has pairs.

Drink responsible, relax and do not drive after playing one of these drinking games for two people!

War has become one of the most popular drinking games for just two people. The difference between the standard and the drinking card game War is the alcohol. The deck is divided equally to both players and each turn, you both reveal the top card of your decks. Each time you enter a “war”, the loser (the one with the lower card) takes a drink equal to the difference in fingers. For example, if you have an eight and your partner has a three, he/she will need to drink five fingers up against a glass of the drink. With that said, be careful choosing what the loser is going to drink, so you won’t get a headache after the first loss.

To play this game, you will need a deck of cards with all four aces removed. Depending how long would you like the game to last, line up from five to ten cards (face down) in a vertical line. Next, line up the four aces you have removed horizontally (face up), which are the horses. Then, both of you put alcohol-bets on any horse you like and let the race begin. The dealer takes what’s left from the deck and starts turning the cards over. If the card he/she draws is heart, the heart ace moves up once. This continues as long as one horse finishes the race (reaches the end of the vertical line). Wondering where’s the alcohol? If your horse wins, you pass out your drinks to your opponent, but if you lose, you take a drink for every bet you have placed in addition to the drinks that were passed to you.

If you two are familiar with the iconic card game Uno, the Druken Uno is a modified version that is played with a bottle (maybe few bottles) of alcohol on the table. The rules of this drinking game are simple. Everytime your turn is skipped or the other player plays a reverse card, you take one drink. You also take a shot when your opponent changes color. When you draw cards from the stack until you draw a card you can play, you need to take a drink for every card you have drawn. If you fail to call Uno with one card left in hand, you draw 5 cards and 5 shots. The first one to call out Uno is the winner, but the loser may also feel like the winner after so many drinks.

This is really simple and very fun game to play. To start this game, you need to remove three queens from a typical deck of cards and leave only one. Shuffle the deck and both of you start drawing cards until one of you grabs the queen. When you or your opponent got the queen, there are three things that you can do: take a shot, perform a dare or drink a nasty mixture of alcohol you two have previously agreed and prepared. The game continues until one of you drops.

This game is played by two people and requires a deck of cards and a lot of beer. To begin, one of you needs to be a dealer and to deal out 13 face-down cards in a pile. The dealer keeps the remaining cards in a pile. Then, the dealer takes the 13 cards and flips them over, one at a time. When a jack is flipped over, you drink one drink. For queens 2, for kings 3 and for aces you take 4 drinks. For all cards you have taken a drink, add the same amount of cards to the 13-cards pile. Cards from 2 to 10 are drinks-free. The game is over when the pile of 13 cards counts no card. For more fun, play this game with shots instead of beer, but keep in mind that the next day you will most certainly have a headache.


Drinking card games have been popular since early civilization. It makes sense; humans love two things, games and alcohol and it should surprise no one that they love them together. Though, it can be hard to find good drinking card games, as sometimes there’s too much drinking to game ratio or vice versa. The best drinking card games are the ones where there’s just enough game to keep you entertained while not being so complicated that drunk you can’t keep up.

One of the best things about card games for drinking is that they usually do follow along with similar guidelines and rules so after learning a few many will build off similar ideas. Playing card drinking games, again can be a hassle the first few times and you may realize half-way through you’ve been playing all wrong, but cut yourself a break, you are actively trying to get drunk after all.

For the drinking card games, I’m listing below you’ll need alcohol, at least one friend (or more), and no plans for tomorrow.



Toepen is a 3-person drinking card game that can be played with up to 8 people. It is a trick-taking card game. Each player is dealt a hand of cards and the person left of the dealer starts the first trick. All following players must follow suit if possible and the person who plays the highest-ranking card wins the trick. All players who didn’t win, lose a life. The game is played till a player loses 10 lives. This person buys a round for all other players and a new game starts.

This 3-player drinking card game is also be played with gambling, but instead of money, you gamble lives. During a trick, a player may knock and increase the bid by one life. Other players may then fold, continue playing or increase the bid.

Fun Drinking Card Games For Two


King’s Cup is a two-person drinking card game. It can be played with more players. It is the only two-player drinking game on this list and one of the only card drinking games for 2 I’ve ever played.

King’s cup is unusual from other 2 player drinking card games because each card has a different rule associated with it. Some examples being: Ace typically means waterfall. This means all players drink and don’t stop till the person who drew the card does, then the person to their left may stop and so on. Another example is Jack which involves the players playing a quick round of Never Have I Ever.


Drinking Card Games For Two

Ride the Bus is one of the drinking card games for 4 on my list and can be played with up to eight players. It is also a pyramid card drinking game, but that describes better the second half of the game.

In Ride the Bus, players play a series of four rounds to get dealt a hand of four cards. Players guess certain parameters their card may fall under and if they are wrong the drink. Parameters may include things like: red or black, higher or lower and so on and so forth.

The second half of the game is building a pyramid. The pyramid is built face down and while being flipped players may place cards matching flipped values to give other player drinks. Once the pyramid is built the player with the most cards in hand is the loser and must ride the bus, meaning answering the questions used in the first half of the game until they get all questions correct. If they get one wrong, they must drink and start over.


Horserace is a drinking card game with no limitations on players. A standard deck of cards is used to set up a horse race. The Aces are the horses in this drinking card game and the remaining cards are used to determine the winner of the race. The players bet on which ace they think will win using numbers of drinks they want to give out. Winners give out double that number while losers drink half their wager plus any additional drinks were given to them by the winner.

Fun Card Games To Play


Up and Down the River is one of my favorite fun drinking card games. This drinking card game is playable with 6 or more players, and even the dealer gets to participate in this game. Each player is dealt 4 cards face up and then cards are flipped this is called going up the river. You drink an increasing number of drinks for each flip. For example, on the first flip players will drink one drink if they have a card that matches rank with the revealed one.


President is a drinking card game for 4 to 7 players. The goal of the game is to not be the last person with cards in hand. Players take turns starting with the current President who plays a pair of matching cards. Players then try to beat this with a higher-ranking pair of cards or pass their turn. Once all players pass, cards are removed from the table ad the next round is started by the person to play the last pair in the previous round. The scum is the last person who has cards in their hand. They buy a round for the table and must give up their best card to the new president.

Blind Squirrel is a drinking game which uses both cards and dice. Drinks are distributed based upon a players ability to guess what card will be drawn and how the dice will roll. To play Blind Squirrel one needs beer, hard liquor, 54 card deck (52 cards + jokers), dice, and the ability to hold your liquor as well as shotgun a beer alone without shame. Have all active players gather around a table with the cards and dice. The alcohol should be within arm’s length.


Drinking Card Games For 2 Online

Drinking card games are some of the best games to play with a group of friends. They’re easy-going and lighthearted and can lead to some seriously fun or really embarrassing memories. A drinking card game can take a boring night of drinks to an exciting new level and usually ends with everyone having a good time. As with any fun activity though, please partake in it with responsibility. Know your limits, and if you find yourself needing to cool down for an hour or two try out some of our other great games on our website.